
Uses of Class

Packages that use CacheManager
net.sf.ehcache This package contains the public API for using ehcache. 
net.sf.ehcache.config This package contains the cache configuration code. 
net.sf.ehcache.config.generator This package contains utility classes for generating configuration texts. 
net.sf.ehcache.config.generator.model.elements This package contains utility classes encapsulating ideas of Elements and Attributes from the ehcache.xsd 
net.sf.ehcache.constructs The constructs package builds on top of the core ehcache classes to create implementations for common caching patterns. 
net.sf.ehcache.constructs.classloader ClassLoader contstructs package 
net.sf.ehcache.distribution This package is for cache replication. 
net.sf.ehcache.event This package contains interfaces and classes for listening to events. This package contains JMX related classes for Hibernate and ehcache statistics

This package contains JMX MBeans and implementations for management of ehcache. This package contains classes related to MBeanRegistrationProvider and its implementation. This package contains classes related to MBeans with Sampled Statistics. This package contains the QueryMangerBuilder and the QueryManager interface to support BMSQL. 
net.sf.ehcache.terracotta This package contains the Terracotta integration functionalities. 

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache

Fields in net.sf.ehcache with type parameters of type CacheManager
static List<CacheManager> CacheManager.ALL_CACHE_MANAGERS
          Keeps track of all known CacheManagers.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache that return CacheManager
static CacheManager CacheManager.create()
          A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager with default config, or return it if it exists.
static CacheManager CacheManager.create(Configuration config)
          A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager from a net.sf.ehcache.config.Configuration.
static CacheManager CacheManager.create(InputStream inputStream)
          A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager from a
static CacheManager CacheManager.create(String configurationFileName)
          A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager with a specified configuration.
static CacheManager CacheManager.create(URL configurationFileURL)
          A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager from an URL.
 CacheManager Ehcache.getCacheManager()
          Gets the CacheManager managing this cache.
 CacheManager Cache.getCacheManager()
          Gets the CacheManager managing this cache.
static CacheManager CacheManager.getCacheManager(String name)
          Checks if a cacheManager already exists for a given name and gets it.
static CacheManager CacheInitializationHelper.getInitializingCacheManager(String name)
          Get a currently initializing CacheManager by name
static CacheManager CacheManager.getInstance()
          A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager with default config, or return it if it exists.
static CacheManager CacheManager.newInstance()
          A factory method to create a CacheManager with default config, or return it if it exists.
static CacheManager CacheManager.newInstance(Configuration config)
          A factory method to create a CacheManager from a net.sf.ehcache.config.Configuration.
static CacheManager CacheManager.newInstance(InputStream inputStream)
          A factory method to create a CacheManager from a
static CacheManager CacheManager.newInstance(String configurationFileName)
          A factory method to create a CacheManager with a specified configuration.
static CacheManager CacheManager.newInstance(URL configurationFileURL)
          A factory method to create a CacheManager from an URL.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache with parameters of type CacheManager
static void CacheInitializationHelper.initializeEhcache(CacheManager cacheManager, Ehcache cache)
          Initialize the given Ehcache using the given CacheManager
 void Ehcache.setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Sets the CacheManager
 void Cache.setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager)
          For use by CacheManager.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache with parameters of type CacheManager
CacheInitializationHelper(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Create a cache initializer with the given CacheManager

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.config

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.config with parameters of type CacheManager
 CacheManagerEventListener ConfigurationHelper.createCacheManagerEventListener(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Tries to load the class specified.
 void CacheConfiguration.setupFor(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Sets up the CacheConfiguration for runtime consumption, also registers this cache configuration with the cache manager's configuration
 void CacheConfiguration.setupFor(CacheManager cacheManager, boolean register, String parentCache)
          Sets up the CacheConfiguration for runtime consumption
 Configuration.RuntimeCfg Configuration.setupFor(CacheManager cacheManager, String fallbackName)
          Freezes part of the configuration that need to be, and runs validation checks on the Configuration.

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.config with parameters of type CacheManager
Configuration.RuntimeCfg(CacheManager cacheManager, String fallbackName)
ConfigurationHelper(CacheManager cacheManager, Configuration configuration)
          Only Constructor

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.config.generator

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.config.generator with parameters of type CacheManager
static String ConfigurationUtil.generateCacheManagerConfigurationText(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Generates Configuration text from a CacheManager

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.config.generator.model.elements

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.config.generator.model.elements with parameters of type CacheManager
ConfigurationElement(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Constructor accepting the CacheManager.

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.constructs

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs that return CacheManager
 CacheManager EhcacheDecoratorAdapter.getCacheManager()
          Gets the CacheManager managing this cache.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs with parameters of type CacheManager
 void EhcacheDecoratorAdapter.setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Sets the CacheManager

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.classloader

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.classloader that return CacheManager
 CacheManager ClassLoaderAwareCache.getCacheManager()
          Gets the CacheManager managing this cache.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.constructs.classloader with parameters of type CacheManager
 void ClassLoaderAwareCache.setCacheManager(CacheManager arg0)
          Sets the CacheManager

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.distribution

Fields in net.sf.ehcache.distribution declared as CacheManager
protected  CacheManager RMICacheManagerPeerProvider.cacheManager
          The CacheManager this peer provider is associated with.

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.distribution that return CacheManager
 CacheManager RMICacheManagerPeerProvider.getCacheManager()
          The cacheManager this provider is bound to

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.distribution with parameters of type CacheManager
protected  CacheManagerPeerProvider RMICacheManagerPeerProviderFactory.createAutomaticallyConfiguredCachePeerProvider(CacheManager cacheManager, Properties properties)
          peerDiscovery=automatic, multicastGroupAddress=, multicastGroupPort=4446, multicastPacketTimeToLive=255
 CacheManagerPeerListener RMICacheManagerPeerListenerFactory.createCachePeerListener(CacheManager cacheManager, Properties properties)
abstract  CacheManagerPeerListener CacheManagerPeerListenerFactory.createCachePeerListener(CacheManager cacheManager, Properties properties)
          Creates a peer provider.
 CacheManagerPeerProvider RMICacheManagerPeerProviderFactory.createCachePeerProvider(CacheManager cacheManager, Properties properties)
abstract  CacheManagerPeerProvider CacheManagerPeerProviderFactory.createCachePeerProvider(CacheManager cacheManager, Properties properties)
          Create a peer provider.
protected  CacheManagerPeerListener RMICacheManagerPeerListenerFactory.doCreateCachePeerListener(String hostName, Integer port, Integer remoteObjectPort, CacheManager cacheManager, Integer socketTimeoutMillis)
          A template method to actually create the factory

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.distribution with parameters of type CacheManager
MulticastKeepaliveHeartbeatSender(CacheManager cacheManager, InetAddress multicastAddress, Integer multicastPort, Integer timeToLive, InetAddress hostAddress)
MulticastRMICacheManagerPeerProvider(CacheManager cacheManager, InetAddress groupMulticastAddress, Integer groupMulticastPort, Integer timeToLive, InetAddress hostAddress)
          Creates and starts a multicast peer provider
RMICacheManagerPeerListener(String hostName, Integer port, Integer remoteObjectPort, CacheManager cacheManager, Integer socketTimeoutMillis)
          Constructor with full arguments.
RMICacheManagerPeerProvider(CacheManager cacheManager)

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.event

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.event with parameters of type CacheManager
abstract  CacheManagerEventListener CacheManagerEventListenerFactory.createCacheManagerEventListener(CacheManager cacheManager, Properties properties)
          Create a CacheEventListener

Uses of CacheManager in

Methods in with parameters of type CacheManager
 void ProviderMBeanRegistrationHelper.registerMBean(CacheManager manager, Properties properties)
          Registers mbean for the input cache manager and the session factory name
 void EhcacheHibernateMBeanRegistrationImpl.registerMBeanForCacheManager(CacheManager manager, Properties properties)
          Registers MBean for the input manager and session factory properties.
 void EhcacheHibernateMBeanRegistration.registerMBeanForCacheManager(CacheManager manager, Properties properties)
          Registers MBean for the input manager and session factory properties.

Constructors in with parameters of type CacheManager
EhcacheHibernate(CacheManager manager)
          Constructor accepting the backing CacheManager
EhcacheStatsImpl(CacheManager manager)
          Constructor accepting the backing CacheManager

Uses of CacheManager in

Methods in with parameters of type CacheManager
 void ManagementServer.register(CacheManager managedResource)
          Puts the submitted resource under the purview of this ManagementServer.
static void ManagementServerLoader.register(CacheManager cacheManager, String clientUUID, ManagementRESTServiceConfiguration managementRESTServiceConfiguration)
          Register a cacheManager to management rest server.
static void ManagementService.registerMBeans(CacheManager cacheManager, MBeanServer mBeanServer, boolean registerCacheManager, boolean registerCaches, boolean registerCacheConfigurations, boolean registerCacheStatistics)
          A convenience static method which creates a ManagementService and initialises it with the supplied parameters.
static void ManagementService.registerMBeans(CacheManager cacheManager, MBeanServer mBeanServer, boolean registerCacheManager, boolean registerCaches, boolean registerCacheConfigurations, boolean registerCacheStatistics, boolean registerCacheStores)
          A convenience static method which creates a ManagementService and initialises it with the supplied parameters.
 void ManagementServer.unregister(CacheManager managedResource)
          Removes the submitted resource under the purview of this ManagementServer.
static void ManagementServerLoader.unregister(String registeredMgmtSvrBind, CacheManager cacheManager)
          Unregister a cache manager from a management rest server If it is the last cache manager bound to this server, stops the server too.

Constructors in with parameters of type CacheManager
CacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Create a management CacheManager
ManagementService(CacheManager cacheManager, MBeanServer mBeanServer, boolean registerCacheManager, boolean registerCaches, boolean registerCacheConfigurations, boolean registerCacheStatistics)
          A constructor for a management service for a range of possible MBeans.
ManagementService(CacheManager cacheManager, MBeanServer mBeanServer, boolean registerCacheManager, boolean registerCaches, boolean registerCacheConfigurations, boolean registerCacheStatistics, boolean registerCacheStores)
          A constructor for a management service for a range of possible MBeans.

Uses of CacheManager in

Methods in with parameters of type CacheManager
 void NullMBeanRegistrationProvider.initialize(CacheManager cacheManager, ClusteredInstanceFactory clusteredInstanceFactory)
          A null implementation of MBeanRegistrationProvider.initialize(CacheManager, ClusteredInstanceFactory)
 void MBeanRegistrationProviderImpl.initialize(CacheManager cacheManager, ClusteredInstanceFactory clusteredInstanceFactory)
          Initialize MBeanRegistration if necessary for the cacheManager
 void MBeanRegistrationProvider.initialize(CacheManager cacheManager, ClusteredInstanceFactory clusteredInstanceFactory)
          Initialize MBeanRegistration if necessary for the cacheManager

Uses of CacheManager in

Methods in with parameters of type CacheManager
 void SampledMBeanRegistrationProvider.initialize(CacheManager cacheManagerParam, ClusteredInstanceFactory clusteredInstanceFactory)
          Initialize MBeanRegistration if necessary for the cacheManager

Constructors in with parameters of type CacheManager
CacheManagerSamplerImpl(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Constructor taking the backing CacheManager
SampledCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Constructor taking the backing CacheManager

Uses of CacheManager in

Methods in with parameters of type CacheManager
 QueryManagerBuilder QueryManagerBuilder.addAllCachesCurrentlyIn(CacheManager cacheManager)
          Adds all Caches present in a Cache Manager to the internal state of the query manager.

Uses of CacheManager in net.sf.ehcache.terracotta

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.terracotta with parameters of type CacheManager
TerracottaClient(CacheManager cacheManager, TerracottaClientConfiguration terracottaClientConfiguration)
          Constructor accepting the CacheManager and the TerracottaClientConfiguration


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