
In case of failures, Ehcache will do its best to do two things

  • Keep a coherent state for every tier

  • Answer requests

No failures should occur from Ehcache itself. However, the surrounding environment can fail. e.g.:

  • Disk failure of a disk tier

  • Server loss of a clustered tier

  • Network failure of a clustered tier

Resilience strategy

A cache provides an answer to the caller even if the underlying tiers fail to do so. For instance, if the cache fails to get() a value, it will return null.

This behavior is handled by the ResilienceStrategy. Each time a backend tier fails, it throws a StoreAccessException that is then handled by the resilience strategy.

Ehcache provides two implementations by default. One use by the classical cache called the RobustResilienceStrategy and one for a cache with a loader-writer called the RobustLoaderWriterResilienceStrategy.

The RobustResilienceStrategy behaves like an always empty cache where everything added to it is immediately evicted. The result is that the caller will more or less behave as if the cache was disabled.

The RobustLoaderWriterResilienceStrategy knows about the loader-writer and will try to keep it coherent. It will also answer by calling it. So a get() will load the value from the loader-writer. A putIfAbsent() will load the value from the loader-writer and see if it’s there. If not, it will write it, if it is, it will return it.

Both strategies will also try to clean up the store that failed by removing the failed key or keys.

Clustering resilience

Let’s be honest, your on-heap storage won’t fail. Your off-heap won’t either. Your disk storage might, rarely, unless you used a network drive. But then, you are asking for it.

So, what will fail is clustering.


There are 3 timeouts that can be configured.

  • Read operation: For any read-only operations: get, contains, getAll, iterator step (default: 5 seconds)

  • Write operation: For any write operation: put, remove, putAll, removeAll, clear, putIfAbsent, remove, replace (default: 5 seconds)

  • Connection: When establishing connection to the server (default: 150 seconds)

Timeouts can be configured using a dedicated builder or in XML.

CacheManagerBuilder<PersistentCacheManager> clusteredCacheManagerBuilder =
      .timeouts(TimeoutsBuilder.timeouts() (1)
        .read(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) (2)
        .write(Timeouts.DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT) (3)
        .connection(Timeouts.INFINITE_TIMEOUT)) (4)
1 Start setting timeouts using the build
2 Set the read timeout to 10 seconds
3 Set the write timeout to the default. This line could actually be skipped since that’s what the builder will set it to anyway
4 Set the connection timeout to be infinite


A client establishes a lease with the server. A lease is a contract between the client and the server. It means the server can’t make a change without getting the client acknowledgment.

The client takes care of renewing the lease before it expires. The connection is closed by one of the two parties if it fails to do so. As soon as this happens, caching tiers are cleared. The resilience strategy will then start answering every call.

By default, a lease lasts 150 seconds. It is decided by the server and can be overridden in the server configuration.


When a client gets disconnected, it will try to reconnect periodically. As soon as it manages to reconnect, it will resume operation. The caching tier will start filling again.

This should rarely occur in a production environment. It generally means there was a network failure that cuts the client from its server. It won’t occur if the active server goes down since we are expecting a failover to a mirror.