
Uses of Interface

Packages that use Criteria This package contains classes for ehcache core search API. This package contains classes for search expression types (ie. Store package. 

Uses of Criteria in

Methods in that return Criteria
 Criteria Attribute.between(T min, T max)
          Create a range criteria between the given min/max (inclusive).
 Criteria Attribute.between(T min, T max, boolean minInclusive, boolean maxInclusive)
          Create a range criteria between the given min/max with specified inclusiveness
 Criteria Attribute.eq(T value)
          Create a criteria where this attribute is equal to the given value
 Criteria value)
          Create a criteria where this attribute is greater than or equal to the given value
 Criteria value)
          Create a criteria where this attribute is greater than the given value
 Criteria Attribute.ilike(String regex)
          Create a criteria where this attribute's toString() matches the given expression See ILike for the expression syntax
 Criteria<? extends T> values)
          Create a criteria where this attribute is 'in' (ie.
 Criteria Attribute.le(T value)
          Create a criteria where this attribute is less than or equal to the given value
 Criteria value)
          Create a criteria where this attribute is less than the given value
 Criteria value)
          Create a criteria where this attribute is not equal to the given value

Methods in with parameters of type Criteria
 Query Query.addCriteria(Criteria criteria)
          Adds a criteria to the query

Uses of Criteria in

Classes in that implement Criteria
 class AlwaysMatch
          Criteria that always return true
 class And
          A search criteria composed of the logical "and" of two or more other criteria
 class BaseCriteria
          Base class for all criteria types
 class Between
          Range criteria
 class ComparableValue
          Abstract base class for criteria involving Comparable values
 class EqualTo
          A comparison operator meaning Java "equals to" condition
 class GreaterThan
          Greater than criteria
 class GreaterThanOrEqual
          Greater than or equal criteria
 class ILike
          A regular expression criteria that matches attribute string values.
 class InCollection
          Criteria for inclusion in a given Collection (presumably a Set) of values
 class LessThan
          Less than criteria
 class LessThanOrEqual
          Less than or equal criteria
 class Not
          A search criteria composed of the logical "not" (ie.
 class NotEqualTo
          Criteria for plain "not equals to" condition
 class Or
          A search criteria composed of the logical "or" of two or more other criteria

Methods in that return Criteria
 Criteria Criteria.and(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "and" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria And.and(Criteria other)
 Criteria BaseCriteria.and(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "and" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria AlwaysMatch.and(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "and" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria Not.getCriteria()
 Criteria[] Or.getCriterion()
          Return criteria
 Criteria[] And.getCriterion()
          Return criterion
 Criteria Criteria.not()
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "not" of this
 Criteria BaseCriteria.not()
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "not" of this
 Criteria Or.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria Criteria.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria BaseCriteria.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria AlwaysMatch.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria

Methods in with parameters of type Criteria
 Criteria Criteria.and(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "and" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria And.and(Criteria other)
 Criteria BaseCriteria.and(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "and" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria AlwaysMatch.and(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "and" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria Or.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria Criteria.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria BaseCriteria.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria
 Criteria AlwaysMatch.or(Criteria other)
          Produce a criteria that is the boolean "or" of this and the given other criteria

Constructors in with parameters of type Criteria
And(Criteria lhs, Criteria rhs)
          Simple constructor for two criteria
Not(Criteria c)
          Construct a "not" criteria of the given criteria
Or(Criteria lhs, Criteria rhs)
          Simple constructor for two criteria

Uses of Criteria in

Methods in that return Criteria
 Criteria StoreQuery.getCriteria()
          Get the search criteria

