
Package net.sf.ehcache.statistics

This package contains classes related to LiveCacheStatistics and its implementation.


Interface Summary
CacheUsageListener Interface for listeners to any change in usage statistics of an Ehcache.
LiveCacheStatistics Interface for usage statistics of a Cache.
LiveCacheStatisticsData Interface that classes storing usage statistics of a Cache will implement

Class Summary
LiveCacheStatisticsImpl Implementation which can be used both as a LiveCacheStatistics and LiveCacheStatisticsData
LiveCacheStatisticsWrapper An implementation of LiveCacheStatistics and also implements LiveCacheStatisticsData.
NullLiveCacheStatisticsData A no-op implementation which can be used both as a LiveCacheStatistics and LiveCacheStatisticsData

Package net.sf.ehcache.statistics Description

This package contains classes related to LiveCacheStatistics and its implementation.

