
Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReadWriteCopyStrategy
net.sf.ehcache.config This package contains the cache configuration code. This package contains the main classes and interfaces for the new fully coherent combination disk and memory store for unclustered Ehcache. 
net.sf.ehcache.transaction This package contains classes for controlling cache operations for transactional use. 
net.sf.ehcache.transaction.local This package contains the local transactions subsystem. 
net.sf.ehcache.transaction.xa This package contains the functionality to provide XA support to a transactional Cache. 

Uses of ReadWriteCopyStrategy in net.sf.ehcache.config

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.config that return ReadWriteCopyStrategy
 ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> CacheConfiguration.getCopyStrategy()
          Getter to the CopyStrategy set in the config (really? how?).
 ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> CopyStrategyConfiguration.getCopyStrategyInstance()
          Get (and potentially) instantiate the instance

Methods in net.sf.ehcache.config with parameters of type ReadWriteCopyStrategy
 void CopyStrategyConfiguration.setCopyStrategyInstance(ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> copyStrategy)
          Sets the CopyStrategy instance to use

Uses of ReadWriteCopyStrategy in

Classes in that implement ReadWriteCopyStrategy
 class ImmutableValueElementCopyStrategy
 class LegacyCopyStrategyAdapter
          ReadWriteCopyStrategy adaptor for a legacy CopyStrategy instance
 class NullReadWriteCopyStrategy
          No-op copy strategy
 class ReadWriteSerializationCopyStrategy
          A copy strategy that can use partial (if both copy on read and copy on write are set) or full Serialization to copy the object graph
 class SerializationCopyStrategy
          A copy strategy that uses full Serialization to copy the object graph

Constructors in with parameters of type ReadWriteCopyStrategy
CompoundStore(<?> primary, boolean copyOnRead, boolean copyOnWrite, ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> copyStrategy)
          Create a CompoundStore using the supplied factory as the primary factory.
CompoundStore(<?> primary, IdentityElementSubstituteFactory identity, boolean copyOnRead, boolean copyOnWrite, ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> copyStrategy)
          Create a CompoundStore using the supplied primary, and designated identity factory.

Uses of ReadWriteCopyStrategy in net.sf.ehcache.transaction

Fields in net.sf.ehcache.transaction declared as ReadWriteCopyStrategy
protected  ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> AbstractTransactionStore.copyStrategy
          The copy strategy for this store

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.transaction with parameters of type ReadWriteCopyStrategy
AbstractTransactionStore(Store underlyingStore, ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> copyStrategy)
TransactionAwareAttributeExtractor(ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> copyStrategy, AttributeExtractor delegate)
          Creates an attributed delegating to the supplied extractor, via the given copy strategy.

Uses of ReadWriteCopyStrategy in net.sf.ehcache.transaction.local

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.transaction.local with parameters of type ReadWriteCopyStrategy
LocalTransactionStore(TransactionController transactionController, SoftLockFactory softLockFactory, Ehcache cache, Store store, ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> copyStrategy)
          Create a new LocalTransactionStore instance

Uses of ReadWriteCopyStrategy in net.sf.ehcache.transaction.xa

Constructors in net.sf.ehcache.transaction.xa with parameters of type ReadWriteCopyStrategy
XATransactionStore(TransactionManagerLookup transactionManagerLookup, SoftLockFactory softLockFactory, TransactionIDFactory transactionIdFactory, Ehcache cache, Store store, ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> copyStrategy)

