

This package contains classes related to MBeans with Sampled Statistics.


Interface Summary
CacheManagerSampler An abstraction for sampled cache manager usage statistics.
CacheSampler An interface for exposing cache statistics.
ComprehensiveCacheSampler A CacheSampler interface that also exposes SampledCounter objects for all sampled statistics, rather than just the last sampled value.
SampledCacheManagerMBean An MBean for CacheManager exposing sampled cache usage statistics
SampledCacheMBean An MBean for Cache exposing cache statistics.

Class Summary
CacheManagerSamplerImpl An implementation of CacheManagerSampler
CacheSamplerImpl An implementation of CacheSampler
ComprehensiveCacheSamplerImpl The default implementation of ComprehensiveCacheSampler.
SampledCache An implementation of SampledCacheMBean
SampledCacheManager An implementation of SampledCacheManagerMBean
SampledEhcacheMBeans Utility class used for getting ObjectName's for sampled MBeans

SampledMBeanRegistrationProvider An implementation of MBeanRegistrationProvider which registers sampled MBeans for the CacheManager and its Caches.

Package Description

This package contains classes related to MBeans with Sampled Statistics.


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