

Store package.


Interface Summary
AuthoritativeTier Document me
CachingTier<K,V> This interface is to be implemented by CachingTier that sit above the AuthoritativeTier.
CachingTier.Listener<K,V> A listener that will be notified when eviction of a mapping happens
ElementValueComparator Used to compare two element values.
MemoryStore.BackingFactory Factory interface to create a MemoryStore backing.
Policy An eviction policy.
Store This is the interface for all stores.
StoreOperationOutcomes The Interface StoreOperationOutcomes.
StoreQuery An immutable query that a Store can execute
StoreQuery.Ordering An attribute / direction ordering pair
StripedReadWriteLockProvider Provider for StripedReadWriteLock that need to match a certain spreading function
TerracottaStore Use for internal purpose only.

Class Summary
AbstractPolicy A base policy class
BruteForceSearchManager Brute force search implementation
CacheKeySet<E> A Set of keys that will encapsulate keys present in a Cache.
CacheStore The one store to rule them all!
CopyingCacheStore<T extends Store> Copies elements, either on read, write or both before using the underlying store to actually store things When copying both ways, the store might not see the same types being stored
CopyStrategyHandler Utility class for handling element copy based on the copy on read and write configurations.
DefaultElementValueComparator DefaultElementValueComparator does compare the values on the two elements based on their equals contract
DiskStoreBootstrapCacheLoaderFactory Factory class to create DiskStoreBootstrapCacheLoader instances.
ElementIdAssigningStore Store wrapper that assigns sequential IDs to elements as they are added to the underlying store
FifoPolicy Contains common LFU policy code for use between the LfuMemoryStore and the DiskStore, which also uses an LfuPolicy for evictions.
LegacyStoreWrapper A wrapper to convert a legacy pair of stores into a new style compound store.
LfuPolicy Contains common LFU policy code for use between the LfuMemoryStore and the DiskStore, which also uses an LfuPolicy for evictions.
LruMemoryStore An implementation of a LruMemoryStore.
LruPolicy Contains common LFU policy code for use between the LfuMemoryStore and the DiskStore, which also uses an LfuPolicy for evictions.
MemoryLimitedCacheLoader Abstract class for BootstrapCacheLoader implementers that should alter their load behavior (probably stop loading) whenever the cache being bootstrapped has reached its in-memory limit (off- or on-heap)
MemoryStore A Store implementation suitable for fast, concurrent in memory stores.
MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy A typesafe enumeration of eviction policies.
TerracottaTransactionalCopyingCacheStore A copying cache store designed for transactional terracotta clustered stores
TxCopyingCacheStore<T extends Store> Copies elements, either on read, write or both before using the underlying store to actually store things.

Enum Summary
MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy.MemoryStoreEvictionPolicyEnum Enum for MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy
StoreOperationOutcomes.GetOutcome The Enum GetOutcome.
StoreOperationOutcomes.PutOutcome The Enum PutOutcome.
StoreOperationOutcomes.RemoveOutcome The Enum RemoveOutcome.

Package Description

Store package. This package contains a Store interface and its implementations: a memory store and a disk store.

Stores are used by the Cache to physically implement logical cache operations.


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