
Package net.sf.ehcache

This package contains the public API for using ehcache.


Interface Summary
CacheOperationOutcomes Interface containing cache operation outcome enums.
Disposable A Disposable is a resource that needs to release other resources when it is no longer needed.
Ehcache An interface for Ehcache.
EhcacheInit Initialization service for ehcache library
FeaturesManager Interface implemented by classes providing access to extended functionality.

Class Summary
Cache Cache is the central class in ehcache.
CacheClusterStateStatisticsListener A listener to capture statistics relating to cluster events regarding this node.
CacheEntry Helper class to tie a key to an element.
CacheInitializationHelper Helper class to initialize an Ehcache with a CacheManager without adding the Ehcache to the CacheManager.
CacheManager A container for Ehcaches that maintain all aspects of their lifecycle.
CacheStoreHelper A helper class to get the internal Store from a Cache
DiskStorePathManager Manager class to handle disk store path.
EhcacheCoreInit Ehcache core init service impl
Element A Cache Element, consisting of a key, value and attributes.
ElementIdHelper Provide access to the package private methods for getting/setting Element id.
MimeTypeByteArray A bean used to wrap byte[] values to be placed in an Element so as to preserve MIME type information.
Status A pre JDK1.5 compatible enum class to indicate the status of a CacheManager or Cache.
TransactionController TransactionController is used to begin, commit and rollback local transactions

Enum Summary
CacheOperationOutcomes.ClusterEventOutcomes Cluster event operation outcomes.
CacheOperationOutcomes.EvictionOutcome The eviction outcomes.
CacheOperationOutcomes.ExpiredOutcome The expiration outcomes.
CacheOperationOutcomes.GetAllOutcome The outcomes for GetAll operations.
CacheOperationOutcomes.GetOutcome Outcomes for cache Get operations.
CacheOperationOutcomes.NonStopOperationOutcomes The Enum NonStopOperationOutcomes.
CacheOperationOutcomes.PutAllOutcome The outcomes for GetAll operations.
CacheOperationOutcomes.PutOutcome The outcomes for Put Outcomes.
CacheOperationOutcomes.RemoveAllOutcome The outcomes for GetAll operations.
CacheOperationOutcomes.RemoveOutcome The outcomes for remove operations.
CacheOperationOutcomes.SearchOutcome The outcomes for the store search operation.

Exception Summary
CacheException A runtime Cache Exception.
LoaderTimeoutException A loader timeout Exception.
ObjectExistsException Thrown when a duplicate cache is attemtpted to be created

Package net.sf.ehcache Description

This package contains the public API for using ehcache.


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